How to Eat Flowers without Poisoning Yourself.

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Edible Flower Blog, How To | 0 comments

Morwenna Ferrier who write a column in the Guardian called The Faddy Eater interviews Jan about edible flowers.

This article started out as a discussion on food trends and the rise in the fashion for edible flowers amongst food bloggers and particularly with the increasing vegetarian and vegan population but then moved on to discuss the dangers of eating non edible flowers and as importantly of eating flowers that are edible by variety but have not been grown for eating and therefore have been sprayed and/or not handled with food hygiene in mind. 


Read the article in full here. 


Author: Jan Billington

Author: Jan Billington

Jan. The mastermind behind Maddocks Farm Organics and now The Edible Flower Garden. A touch gobby! Scares most chefs. Loves gin and a french accent.

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