
Pansy (Viola tricolor)

Pansy (Viola tricolor)

Pansies are the most colourful of all the edible flowers and extremely versatile. They have a long flowering ...
Viola (Viola)

Viola (Viola)

Dainty colourful flowers. Perfect for crystalising. Wide range of colours. The most commonly used of the edible ...
Celosia Feather Stick

Celosia Feather Stick

A lovely range of strong colours for summer and autumn. Not the greatest flavour or texture for that matter but ...
Abutilon (hybridum)

Abutilon (hybridum)

Abutilon flowers are stunningly beautiful and exotic looking blooms which work so well on a wedding or other ...

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We are currently developing a series of courses about edible flower growing.

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