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Rose Scented Coconut Milk Pannacottas
This recipes comes directly from my friend Margie from Dessert Island Dishes.
These little coconut pannacottas taste as though they have been lightly kissed by a rose. A light kiss from a rose, is in my opinion, far preferable to a snog.Too much rose can be overpowering. If you don’t like someone or are seeking some sort of revenge, get them to taste a teaspoon of pure rosewater and wait for the reaction. I did this by accident. It was awful. But that will teach me for going round licking spoons. It tasted a bit like when you get stuck in a lift with someone wearing too much scent and you can taste their perfume for the rest of the day. Bleurgh. These little pannacottas are dairy free and refined sugar free. Little heavenly pots of goodness that are good for you too! I’m a big believer in the notion that the prettier a plate of food, the more delicious and the better it is for you. I try to make colourful food as it just looks so great, and it usually means it’s packed full of vibrant nutrients and nourishing goodness. Being free from dairy means these are much easier for your body to digest and the coconutty goodness will give your skin a beautiful dewy glow. I hold my hands up and admit I am completely and utterly, madly and deeply, passionately and irrevocably obsessed with flowers. Give me a house full of roses over a neck adorned with diamonds any day. I always have flowers in the house. But my love of all things flowery goes further. You will know by now that I just cannot resist sprinkling edible flowers on just about anything. They just look so beautiful. This is another little project that the wonderful Jan Billington and I have joined together for. She sent me these beyond-beautiful roses and I just knew they would take my coconut pannacottas to the next level in beauty. Pannacottas are one of those cheffy things that people assume must be horribly hard to make. But they are really so simple, and so quick! I taught my mama how to make them and she is now a fully fledged pannacotta addict. We have them all the time at home, and they are just amazing. I’ve used gelatine here, but you can really easily substitute the gelatin for agar agar powder if you want to make these vegan. First things first, whip up a batch of rose sugar syrup. You won’t need all of it, but why not use it up in some summery cocktails or brush some over your lemon drizzle cake for a beautiful change., ,
To make 4 pannacottas:
400ml coconut milk
50ml rice milk
1 tablespoon agave nectar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 tsp rose water
2-4 tablespoons of your rose syrup
3 sheets of gelatine (or 2 tsp of powdered agar agar)
NOTE: if you aren’t un-moulding the pannacottas then you can use less gelatine, 2.2 leaves to be exact)
Prepare your moulds. If you want to unmould them, then lightly grease your little pots with coconut oil. If you want to eat them scooped out of a pretty tea cup, don’t worry about greasing them.
Then, simply, pop the coconut and rice milk in a pan and gently simmer for 5 minutes.
Soak your gelatine sheets if using.
Add agave, vanilla, rose water and 2 tablespoons of rose syrup to the milks and continue to gently simmer for another 5 minutes.Taste it. Is the rose too distant, if so add another tablespoon of rose syrup. You want it subtle, but it also does need to be present. Remember though, a kiss not a snog.
Pour into a jug. Shake off the gelatine and add to the empty saucepan. Pour in a tiny slosh of the milky mixture and whisk to dissolve the gelatine completely. Then add the rest of the coconut mixture and whisk well.
Strain through a sieve into the jug to get rid of any gelatinous lumps.Pour into your moulds and pop into the fridge to chill for about 3-4 hours until they are firm. I normally do this the night before, so I know they will have enough time to set.
Once ready to eat, unmould if you wish and drizzle with a little of the reserved rose syrup. Sprinkle with rose petals, or even crystallised rose petals if you want to take it a stage further in it’s prettiness., ,