Forget-me-not Cocktail

by | Jan 15, 2020

Forget-me-nots allegedly got their name from from a medieval knight who was walking along a river bank and upon bending to pick some flowers for his fiancée he fell in. He threw the flowers to the bank and shouted ‘forget me not’ before drowning.


  • ,
  • 1 oz Apple Schnapps,
  • 3/4 oz Cherry Brandy,
  • 1/4 oz of Kirschwasser Cherry Brandy,

Who could resist a cocktail named after such a dainty wee flower and the fact that forget-me-nots are edible flowers means that this is a cocktail has my name on it. Okay, okay – I know – most of them do have my name on them! We also donate £1 from every box of Forget-me-nots to The Alzheimers Society with which we have an affinity. Edible forget-me-not flowers

Living in deepest darkest Devon I couldn’t get hold of Kirchwasser Cherry Brandy so I used a full ounce of regular. I suspect that the Kirchwasser is a far more refined version and I have probably committed some cardinal sin but to my uninformed palate it tasted just fine.





This drink can also be made longer and less potent with the addition of a long draught of cranberry or grape juice and some ice. Enjoy. You can, of course, enjoy Forget-me-not flowers in any cocktail. They are not precious and will happily float on any drink.
