Marmalade Mule

by | Jan 14, 2020 | 0 comments

West Country Wedding Cocktails from a wonderful collaboration between Maddocks Farm Organics; the genius that is Catherine Cheek from Christopher Piper Wines; and the stunningly romantic wedding venue of Lower Grenofen – Ever After A Dartmoor Wedding where lovely host Nicola celebrates all that is fabulous about the getting married in our beautiful part of the world. Photography by the very talented Guy Harrop.

Take a tumbler glass, add crushed ice, add Chase Marmalade Vodka,

a dash of angostura bitters, peach juice and ginger beer. Top with freshly squeezed lime juice.

The suggested strength is 1/3 vodka to 2/3s mixers but this works well served long and even without the vokda. 

Dress with a nasturtium flower or alternatively some marmalade flavoured tagetes

Another simple yet refreshing West Country take on a classic.

Chase’s  5-times distilled vodka is marinaded with the finest seville oranges to produce a unique marmalade experience.
